Learn a new word a day with Katie.  

Expand your child's vocabulary and prepare them for the verbal reasoning part of their 11+ test.

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Help grow your child's vocabulary one word at a time.

Katie has created a brilliant 11+ Word a Day Membership for children preparing for their 11+ school entrance exam or for children wanting to expand their vocabulary.  

Katie records 7 brand new word videos each week for your child to watch one a day.

It's ready for you now for only £12 per month.


Why have I created a word a day membership?

Our son, Harry, will be taking his 11+ school entrance exam next year.  One way we are going to support him is by looking at a word a day, which will expand his vocabulary, which will help prepare him for the verbal reasoning part of his test.

I have created little 5 minute 'word a day' videos, where I look at one word in detail: what it means, how it is pronounced, how it is spelt, what type of word it is, how to use it in a variety of sentences, words with similar meanings and words opposite in meaning to it.

Wow! Yes, please.

Watch one of Katie's word videos!

In this video Katie explains the meaning of the word apprehensive.

Looks fantastic!

What are some of the benefits?

🗣️  Exposure. Looking at a new word every day exposes your child to new words. Exposing your child to a word every day encourages them to use a wide range of vocabulary. This exposure helps them become familiar with different words and their

🗣️  Context.  Your child will also learn the word in its context. Looking at short descriptions and example sentences will give your child context for understanding the word. This context can make it easier for your child to remember and use the word
appropriately in their writing.

🗣️  Routine and Consistency. Establishing a daily routine of learning a new word every day encourages regular language enrichment. Consistency in learning can lead to a cumulative increase in a child's vocabulary over time leading to better writing

🗣️  Active Engagement. To learn a word effectively, your child will need to actively engage with it. By paying attention to the word's meaning, how they can use it in a sentence - they'll most likely use it in their everyday language and in class with others, not to mention in their writing. Such engagement enhances their understanding and retention of the word.

🗣️  Cognitive development. Regular exposure to new words encourages cognitive development and critical thinking. It encourages children to think about language, its nuances, and the different ways words
can be used.

🗣️  Communication skills. A richer vocabulary provides children with the tools they need to express themselves more effectively. It allows them to communicate their thoughts, ideas, and
feelings more precisely.

£12 per month

What is covered in Katie's word videos?

Katie concentrates on word one every day.  The videos are approximately 5 minutes long and help explain the meaning of the word.

Yes please!

Watch Katie explain another word!

In this bitesize word video Katie explains the meaning of the word conspire.

Sounds fantastic!

Why learn words with Katie?

👩🏼‍🏫 A qualified teacher. Katie is a qualified teacher with experience of teaching the National Curriculum and the 11+ syllabus.  Katie taught in one of London's top prep schools, which was deemed Outstanding twice by Ofsted while she was there and tutored a number of children successfully through the 11+ process.

😊 Fun and engaging word videos.  Katie has a lovely manner - think of her a little bit like Miss Honey from Matilda!  Her word videos are quick, easy to understand and engaging and will help expand your child vocabulary. 

🤩 Katie wants your child to succeed.  Simply watching Katie's word videos every day your child's vocabulary will improve dramatically.

Sign up here!

11+ Word a Day Membership


per month

  • Access to all of Katie's word videos.
  • 7 new word videos each week.
  • Cancel at anytime.
  • 24/7 email support.

Don't just take our word for it...


A Year 6 and Year 8 parent signed up when we very first released the Key Stage 3 audio guide and she emailed Katie the very next morning and this is what they said...

Sign up here!

You can access all of Katie's word videos from your mobile phone via an app.

When you sign up, simply download our app and you'll be able to access all the word videos from your desktop, tablet and mobile phone via an app.

£12 per month!